Welcome to The Whistle Gallery

Informational resource site for the collecting community.


Welcome to The Whistle Gallery! Above is our signature display cabinet and you will notice we specialize in metal whistles. Over our years of collecting, our cabinet has not only changed in look but in function, like a living breathing organism. As we expanded our whistle knowledge, while initially containing all of our collection, as the case began to swell we would reorganize by types of whistles into their own feature displays, although our original cabinet remains our main display. Yet our main display remains our flagship, and rather than update it constantly on the website, we keep the original up front and center helping all to see what amazing variety there is in whistledom.

Spotlight Articles

We have utilized The Whistle Gallery collection as a resource for our featured Spotlight articles. Many are mono-typical (singularly known whistles) however, we came to see that some varietal whistles, had models within there own types. For example, Bell whistles, Bean police whistles, Vinaigrette whistles. We are constantly collecting and reorganizing by categories, sub-categories, and types. See our Spotlight articles for featured whistles, whistle history, collecting tips, and more. All the articles are free to study and learn from.*

Check Back Regularly!

Take a moment to view our submitted Comments sections from those who have joined the whistle community and enjoyed our informational website. Send us your own feedback and comments! Make sure to check back regularly for The Whistle Gallery Breaking News in our sidebar for updates and new Spotlight article announcements. We are the one-stop location to purchase all 3 featured out of print Whistle books too, just send us an inquiry!


Spotlight, Current Article
Speaking Tub

Spotlight, Prior Article
The Kohler
Beaufort Whistle

kohler whistle

What are People Saying About The Whistle Gallery?

*Spotlight articles are copyrighted. Please contact The Whistle Gallery for permission of use of any website or Spotlight article material written or otherwise.