Whistle Categories | Combination Whistles

Whistle Categories > Combination Whistles

combination whistles

Where did combination whistles originate?

The earliest combination whistles appear mid century of the 1800s in the UK and continued into the 1900s. Few other countries picked up on these type of whistle combinations, notably Germany being an exception. The original uses, seem specific and also are limited in scope, which makes the country of origin easier to track.

Accordingly, the majority of combination whistles are found circa 1885 or later, again in the UK.
These can be found in catalogs identifying the country manufactured in as well as the manufacturer.  However, combinations made of britannia are found emanating from France, possibly via Germany.

How are combination whistles identified?

The combination whistles is made literally by combining two whistles. When two different or even the same model of whistle is combined by physically opposing each other at where they are joined or attached, they fall into this category. So then any typed of parallel attachment would fall into another category, such as multitube, dual or the like.

So, for example, we may see a round whistle combined with a beaufort or conical whistle. A tube-shaped whistle combined with a round whistle, or even a siren combined with a tube shaped whistle. In any event, this arrangement would easily make it clear which category it lays within.

Why were they made?

Combination whistles, except for rare examples were marketed for fire brigades and can be seen by the many fire brigade supply companies that ordered them and had their particular supply company stamped on the whistles.

Additionally, these were marketed towards the military as gun boat whistles although military stamps are not found on them. This may have been more of a marketing strategy than reality.

Many times, very long chains accompanied these special use whistles. They were manufactured for decades; little is known of their actual use and remains obscure.

combination whistles

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