Whistle Categories > Variety Whistles
Where did variety whistles originate?
This is a catch all category where whistles from around the world can be placed. Being that is the case, many in this category are not and may never be identified as to country of origin or maker.
Varietal whistles by nature do not fit neatly into a recognizable pattern. This may make the maker and country of origin not so obvious, yet occasionally the other way around. So, on the other hand, some manufacturers made very unique whistles and patented them or stamped them which gave a history to trace that is refreshingly easier.
How are variety whistles identified?
All whistles are self-evident in this category as varietal, many of which can never be clearly identified as to date, maker and country of origin.
Some of these are found in specific patent information. Others can be tracked down in catalog pages with model numbers.
As with other whistles, at times the manufacturer stamped their company name on the body of the whistle.
Unfortunately if a whistle is unique, it can’t be compared to others like it, so it stands alone until something to verify it surfaces.
Why were they made?
These variety whistles run the gamut of uses and although not know many times, they are rich in history, design and research material.
All whistles are manufactured and aimed at a specific market. Railway is aimed at railway, police at police and so forth. The more general the design the less likely to have a very specific target use.
This being the case, corkscrew whistles, vestas, compass, all have a category by use. Variety on the other hand has its category because it does not fit neatly into the other main categories. That does not mean it doesn’t have a specific targeted use to be identified.
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